See How Gum Reshaping Works
So, patients that present with a gummy smile, they come in and they feel that something is wrong with their teeth. Now, a gummy smile doesn’t have to be unattractive. If you think about it, Julia Roberts has a gummy smile, and her smile is very attractive, but there are some patients who really don’t like it. Now, we have to figure out what causes the gummy smile. One of the most common causes of the gummy smile is something which we call delayed passive eruption. What does that mean? During tooth development, the tooth should come down, and the gum should go up. In this particular condition, the tooth comes down, but the gum does not go up. What does that mean? We have tooth hiding underneath that gum. So, to correct that our specialists, our periodontists, very minimally invasive procedure, they recontour the gums, they call it a gum lift, and within one visit they improve the proportion of your teeth, decrease the display of the gums so that you can smile as, you know, wide as you want.