Dental Veneers
So, veneers have been popularized in Hollywood, right? And in Hollywood, you see these bright white monotone veneers, and the teeth ended up being cut down to tiny little stubs and these veneers were bonded on. Now, that really made veneers popular because you usually see these movie stars with really nice, white, straight teeth. At Anacapa Dental, we do it very differently. We do a lot of veneers. We do a lot of veneers that look like teeth. We’ve gone away from that monotone, bright white look. Now, the other thing with veneers is that today, we don’t need to cut the tooth down much at all. Today, we can even do what we call preparation-less veneers, which means that we don’t even have to touch the tooth. Now, to do that, you have to have master lab technicians, you’ve got to have master ceramists, people who are really skilled at applying porcelain to the teeth. And fortunately, we have a team of amazing lab technicians which help us to do that. So, veneers are a way to improve the length, the shape, the color of the teeth. Some patients’ teeth are very resistant to bleaching. And those patients, we can do minimally invasive porcelain veneers that can really transform their smile. And the great news is that veneers last a long, long time. Research shows, if done well, they should last you 15 years plus, easily.