Keep Your Smile Healthy With Regular Care
Patients usually go to see their dentist twice a year. They go and see the hygienist twice a year for a regular examination and cleaning. Now at Anacapa Dental, we base the number of visits on risk, which means that if the patient has high risk of decay, high risk of gum disease, we bring them in for more frequent intervals rather than just twice a year. Now, what happens at a routine examination? So, the hygienist will see you. They will clean the teeth, make sure that your gums are healthy, give you a lot of education on how to maintain your oral health. Our dentists will come in as well as evaluating your teeth, your gums, and your joints. They’re going to be doing an oral cancer examination, which is very, very important. This is something which your physician, your medical doctor, is unlikely to do. So, we ensure that we’re doing a complete evaluation during the time that you’re here.