Discover How You Can Get New Teeth in One Appointment
Patients often come in with teeth that are breaking down and, unfortunately for them, all the teeth need to be removed. The patients’ worst nightmare is walking out without any teeth, or walking out with two pieces of plastic which they take out of their mouth and put in a glass at night. So we have adapted protocols whereby patients can come into the office in the morning, we can remove teeth, the patient is asleep while all of this is happening, we place dental implants, and we can provide permanent teeth the same day. Now, think about that for a second. The patient comes in at 8 a.m. and by midday, they’re walking out with a full mouth of beautiful, amazing teeth which stay in their mouth. They can go home, they don’t have to take their teeth out, they can pretty much chew most things. They can smile, right? They don’t have to feel bad about themselves, they can have more confidence, they can interact with people better, and it can be done within as little as few hours.