We Can Improve Your Dry Mouth
So, dry mouth, there are many causes of dry mouth. One of the most common causes, which we see in some of our elder patients, are multiple medications. If you read the small print, the small print will warn you that you’re likely to get dry mouth, and most patients don’t know that. So, if they’re on multiple medications, we really focus on prevention. What does prevention mean? They may see their hygienist every three months. We’re gonna put them on a fluoride mouthwash. We’re gonna give them a saliva substitute. We’re gonna have them chew a sugar-free gum after meals to try and stimulate some saliva, or to have some sugar-free lemon lozenges to stimulate the saliva. So, patients with dry mouth are high-risk for tooth decay, and for us to be able to help them keep their teeth, we have to see them more often, and they have to play a big part in their own dental health also knowing that the multiple medications, the dry mouth, will impact how things turn out.