When it comes to rebuilding your smile, you want an expert in charge of your treatment. If you’re in Oxnard, CA, you might assume that means traveling to Beverly Hills to find that expertise. The good news, however, is that you can schedule your All-on-4 procedure close to home!
That’s because Dr. Saj Jivraj is a leader in the field of implant dentistry, and he’s right here in Ventura County. At Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Dr. Jivraj and our team of specialists are changing lives with groundbreaking dental solutions, including implant techniques like the All-on-4 procedure.
In fact, not only do our patients trust us to reconstruct their smiles, but the industry does, too. Dr. Jivraj, who teaches at Nobel Biocare™ where the concept originated, has even authored two textbooks on the topic.
And most recently, Dr. Jivraj was invited to a symposium to share his expertise on full arch implant dentistry with an international audience. You can view his talk in the video below!
It’s clear that you’re in the right place for an All-on-4 procedure in Ventura County. Along with our expertise and experience, you can also feel more confident about this treatment plan thanks to our five-year warranty on your implants and 10-year warranty on your restorations. Be sure to talk to us about this at your appointment.
Call Anacapa Dental Art Institute today at 805-800-8289 for a consultation in Oxnard, CA. You can also schedule online.